Associate Member Resources
We've created this page to help Associate members access all of the benefits that come with membership. Make sure you are logged in so you see the appropriate benefits available to you.
Want something customized for your company? Reach out to Rachel Romines with your details.
Not an associate member? You're missing out. Click here to join.
Help us promote CONVO! Send this flyer to your agents.
Additional Benefits
Associate members, silver and up, have access to the Big I Illinois classroom/conference room to hold meetings. Gold members and up have the opportunity to address the Big I Illinois Board of Directors at a board meeting.
Encourage Your Agencies to Use Their Benefits!
Big I Illinois agency members have access to a plethora of products, services, and resources. Help us help your agencies! Below is a flyer that lists most benefits. Consider sharing this with your agencies.
Advertise With Us!
Advertising in a Big I Illinois publication gives your company exposure to over 900 member agencies representing over 8,500 insurance professionals. Plus, we send most publications to non-members, too! Based on your membership level, you may receive advertising credit! Check your credit out here.
Association Logos
Want to use the Big I Illinois logo? Members can download low and high-resolution logos.
Please link our logo to
Available to members only. Login to access.
Show your support with every email you send!
Make sure you are logged in to download an email signature graphic below.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Big I Illinois hosts several events throughout the year. With company sponsorships, we are able to discount the cost of these events for attendees. Sponsorship greatly broadens your competitive edge by improving your company's image, prestige, and credibility by supporting events that your target market finds attractive.
Upcoming opportunities:
July 12 - St. Louis, MO
July 31 - Oak Brook, IL
August 2 - Chicago, IL
October 15-17 - Peoria, IL
Annual CONVO and Golf Outing
Check back regularly for additional opportunities.
Featured Event
Association 101: Advocacy
WebinarWho’s making sure our legislators hear the voices of independent agents? Who is reading 100’s of proposed bills that may affect your business? YOUR Association. (Especially Evan!) Join Evan Manning, Director of Government Relations, and the Big I Illinois team on Tuesday, December 17 at 9:00 am to find out what’s happening behind the scenes in the legislative process and how you can play a role by communicating with your legislators.
Learn More