Big I Illinois Education

Insurance Education

Big I Illinois continually strives to offer the highest quality of educational resources available, allowing you to earn CE while exploring focused insurance subject matters.

Education Opportunities

When you take a class with Big I Illinois, you'll know you aren't just receiving your required CE.
You'll be enhancing your knowledge to better serve your agency and clients.

Big I Illinois Self-Study

2025 Outstanding CSR of the Year

Education Courses

Big I Illinois is the leading education provider in the state, offering a variety of courses, from industry-specific training programs to sales and leadership seminars.

Designation Programs & Courses

Designation programs are a fantastic way to earn CE credits while exploring focused insurance subject matter that helps to set you apart from the competition.

Pre-Licensing Courses

The Illinois Insurance Pre-Licensing Program will successfully prepare you or your new hire for the Property & Casualty or Life & Health license exams.

Education Resources

We've compiled several resources and links for quick access to frequently visited websites you need regarding your license and continuing education credits.


Big I Illinois and our industry partners offer scholarship opportunities for CSRs and agents looking to enhance their knowledge with designation programs, or to those new to the industry and just getting started.


In accordance with Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, we ask all registrants to advise us of any disability or any requests for accommodation to that disability. Please submit your request for the program you wish to attend as far in advance as possible by email.

Brett's 2 Sense

As seen in Insight magazine, Brett's 2 Sense is a monthly article regarding whatever Brett Gerger wants to talk about at the time!

Check out past articles in CONNECT!

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